Who am I and what have I done
Where have I been
Have I had enough fun
Have I taken advantage
Of each moment and of time
Have I cherished the hands
That have rested in mine
Have I savored my life
Enough to say
That if I only had just one more day
I would know in my heart I have lived my life well I picked myself up each time that I fell
I got back up and I never stopped trying
Despite my heartache
And all of my crying
Life hasn’t been easy
I’ve been beaten and bruised
But I’ve also risen above
Often amused
By the lack of care and treatment I received
I have been lied to, let down, and also deceived
But I have also felt joy, despite the pain
And even though it hurt
I would do it again
Because I have come to see
What a gift my life has been
All the things that I have done
And the beauty I have seen
I am curious and excited
About what lies ahead
But uncertain how much time left
I have been gifted
I question my mortality
And thankful too
It reminds me to savor each day
And you should too
by Gabrielle Elise Jimenez
