If I could hug your heart
I’ll tell you what I’d do
I would squeeze it just enough
To take the pain from you
I’d put it in a jar
And tightly close the top
I would tell it that it’s not welcome here
And I’d ask it just to stop
I know that things are hard for you
I see it in your face
The struggle and the ache you feel
Is taking up your space
It needs to be worked through though
And it will take some time
Until you are ready for that
Please put your hand in mine
I will sit right here beside you
I’ll listen to everything you say
I’ll comfort and support you
I’ll show up and I will stay
That is what someone needs
When they are grieving and feeling pain
Their lives have changed forever
They will never be the same
One day that jar can open
Know I will be right by your side
I’ll hand you all the tissues
Until your eyes have dried
The jar may never empty
The pain won't go away
But your heart will fill back up again
And all the memories you shared... will stay.